My efforts to keep up to date with this blog have taken a bit of a back burner lately, but I sincerely hope to change that in the coming weeks. Things seemed to have dried up on the freelance front for me, so if anything I should be more constant with Book it or
Cook it, but alas, I've been neglectful...
Cook it, but alas, I've been neglectful...
I've got lots of exciting things coming up- after struggling through with Bronchitis, I managed to 'crack' the recipe for Pecan Pie. When I say 'crack', I mean this in the sense that after coming home from 10 hour shifts at Delifonseca, I've attempted to make these seemingly cursed pies for Dafna's Cheesecake Factory.
Recipe after recipe failed to deliver on taste, texture and appearance and I made a few expensive mistakes (Pecans ain't cheap!) But after my toil and worry, my efforts were rewarded when I received a message telling me my third recipe was delicious- thank God!
A friend at The Liverpool Echo got in touch with me this week about contributing to a cook book too! So that's very exciting for me! I'll be writing a short piece on Delifonseca and getting some recipes in print and I can't wait!
I think I'm getting itchy feet though, I'm meeting with various aficionados in the city but am still looking at possible London ventures to kick start my career. At the moment I feel a bit too settled, I work all the hours that God sends and I feel like I'm not doing myself (and my five years at University) any justice.
Turning 25 this summer is going to be a wake-up call for me I think, as it's been two years since I graduated, it's about time I put my knowledge to good use! I've opened lots of doors for myself and my passion for food in Liverpool, but I can't help thinking that I need to move on.... perhaps it's time I bid farewell to the Liverbirds?

Recipe after recipe failed to deliver on taste, texture and appearance and I made a few expensive mistakes (Pecans ain't cheap!) But after my toil and worry, my efforts were rewarded when I received a message telling me my third recipe was delicious- thank God!
A friend at The Liverpool Echo got in touch with me this week about contributing to a cook book too! So that's very exciting for me! I'll be writing a short piece on Delifonseca and getting some recipes in print and I can't wait!
I think I'm getting itchy feet though, I'm meeting with various aficionados in the city but am still looking at possible London ventures to kick start my career. At the moment I feel a bit too settled, I work all the hours that God sends and I feel like I'm not doing myself (and my five years at University) any justice.
Turning 25 this summer is going to be a wake-up call for me I think, as it's been two years since I graduated, it's about time I put my knowledge to good use! I've opened lots of doors for myself and my passion for food in Liverpool, but I can't help thinking that I need to move on.... perhaps it's time I bid farewell to the Liverbirds?
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